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Our MultiValue Solutions

Software Services

Custom software programming from Zumasys can help you differentiate yourself from your competitors to maximize your competitive advantage.


With Zumasys’ software services and MultiValue products, discover how to evolve your Pick applications while retaining decades of valuable business logic.

Our People & Our Programs

The success of our company is a direct result of the pride and enthusiasm that our team brings to work every day. In the fast-paced, competitive field of technology, we are able to attract and retain some of the industry’s best talent by investing in our people through unique programs like our International Travel Incentive

Our Latest Blogs

Our Purpose

Our mission is to inspire our employees, clients, and partners to embrace “happyness” by helping others achieve their goals, passions, and dreams. Happyness is a Choice is about more than giving away money. It’s about supporting our employees with more intimate and personal volunteer opportunities at home and around the world.

Who We Are

Zumasys is a software company specializing in the Pick MultiValue market. We actively develop two NoSQL MultiValue database engines, jBASE and OpenQM. We extend the functionality of every Pick system with our advanced connectivity and productivity tools, AccuTerm and MVConnect. We employ a team of full-stack developers to assist our customers in furthering the development of their business-critical applications. We are passionate about the evolution of Pick MultiValue, and we are invested in educating the next generation of developers on this powerful platform.